Building the Buffalo

With the Buffalo Bicycle, World Bicycle Relief has created an exceptionally durable bike for developing countries. The NGO aims to deliver one million bikes by 2025, making up to five million people more mobile.

Building the Buffalo tells the story of this special bicycle, featuring voices from both test riders in Kenya and engineers in the USA who are working together to further adapt the Buffalo Bike to the harsh local conditions. Their goal is to help more children ride to school and to make commuting, transporting goods, and accessing healthcare in underserved regions easier and more effective.

Production hall with several people in blue coats and gloves assembling bicycle frames. One of the frames displays the “BUFFALO” logo. The industrial workspace features numerous tools and lighting.
A group of people standing around a table with a bicycle drawing on it. The attendees are examining the sketch. Several water bottles and other items are placed on the table.
A man in a red shirt and cap loading bicycles into a delivery van. The bicycles are partially packaged and stacked. The interior of the van has a rusty tone.
Drawing of a bicycle on a wall, surrounded by handwritten notes and technical details. Blurred bicycles and parts are visible in the foreground.
A man wearing a red shirt and cap with Buffalo Bicycles logo works on a bicycle wheel in a workshop. Stacked bicycles and boxes are blurred in the background.
A man in a workshop assembles a bicycle while wearing a cap. Numerous other bicycles are visible in the densely packed background.
A large group of students in uniforms standing behind a row of stacked bicycles outdoors. Green trees and a clear sky are visible in the background.
A man stands next to a loaded bicycle on a rural path, while a woman in a light dress walks by. Lush greenery is visible in the background.
Two men in bright work coats, one in yellow and the other in orange, riding loaded bicycles on an unpaved road. Trees and buildings are visible in the background.
Three men in red vests with the Uganda Red Cross Society logo riding bicycles loaded with blue packages on a rural path through green landscape.

Film Facts

Direction: Travis Rummel
With: Jackton Acholla, FK Day, Stan Day, Maureen Kolenyo Mercy Manning, Alloys Odera, David Osiro, Chris Raymo, Andy Samways
Production: Felt Soul Media, 2023, USA